Can One Overdose on Vitamin C
Most people can get enough vitamin C for the day in their food. Overdose symptoms for vitamin C and zinc. Dangerous Side Effects Of Taking Too Much Vitamin C Eat This Not That Vitamin C Benefits Vitamins Flu Remedies Although vitamin C has relatively low toxicity high doses of it can cause gastrointestinal disturbances including diarrhea cramps nausea and vomiting. . When a person takes more than the suggested dose of vitamin C they may experience mild digestive irritations. Children 4 and older can safely consume one packet daily with 4 to 6 oz. Vitamin E overdose may cause excessive blood thinning and lead to a stroke or an increased risk of death. Lothian and borders police. Children who consume more than these amounts increase their risk of a vitamin overdose. Winegard air 360 troubleshooting. VIT C is always good he just needs to be careful on the acid intake from the juice. Vitamin C is generally saf...